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The most effective leaders harness communication to build trust and drive loyalty, agility and innovation.


Find out how effective communication can create important feedback loops, acting as a catalyst for growth and maximising the power of your people to help you create change...

The power of communication as a catalyst for growth 

Prioritising communication prevents disengagement, reduces attrition and ensures your leaders aren't losing time interpreting messages for their teams. By communicating effectively you can provide context and inspiration for your people, increasing their connection to the dynamics of your growth journey along with creating important feedback loops which supercharge your responsiveness to market conditions.

The power of communication as a catalyst for growth: Louise Brown Coaching

5 signs your communications are limiting your growth potential

  1. Your leaders say they need support with cascading messages

  2. Your people seem to struggle to adapt quickly to a change in strategy

  3. You hear what your people are thinking long after they have discussed it with each other

  4. When you communicate you don't seem to get many questions

  5. You sometimes wish you heard things about your business direct before you hear them from someone outside your organisation

The goal is to provide inspiring information that moves people to action

Guy Kawasaki

How connected are your team's roots?


For help with supercharging your communication and unlocking business growth


Leadership communication: How well can your people really hear you? 

Leadership communication - how well can your people really hear you_
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Listen to the latest audio article narrated by Louise

Leadership communicaton - audio

ARTICLE - 4 min

Leadership communication: 
How well can your people really hear you?

Communication drives action, something all the best leaders inspire in their people. But with diverse circumstances, increased mental health issues and changing working practices – your leadership communications are ever-more challenging. And yet it’s those who apply a human lens to communication who stand to gain...


For help with supercharging your communication and unlocking business growth

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